15-16 Zoe 15-16

Adopted by:
Nancy & Helen

After spending a few weeks with fosters Whitney, Mike and dog Ellie, I have moved into my new home with Nancy and Helen and their dog Biscuit.  I have a big yard with tons of squirrels just waiting to be chased, a pond for wading, and toys to be retrieved.  By day I work at trying to charm the cats and then I attend night school where I am the star student in my obedience class.  I still have not figured out how to get the cats to play with me.  They don’t seem amused by my play bows.  Biscuit and I hike in a different park every day so I am learning all the fun places to go in Lincoln.  Nancy and Helen are quite taken with me and think I’m adorable.  We garden together during the day, and on chilly evenings hang out in front of a cozy fire in the fireplace.  Life is grand, thanks to GRRIN.

Zoe 15-16-1 happy tail