08-47 Sherman 08-47

Adopted by:
Leigh and Grant

Life just can’t get any better than this!! I have a brand new family, and they love me SO-O-O much!! I think they better pinch me because I can hardly believe it’s real. I was pretty sad leaving my family when they had to relinquish me because of allergies, but my foster parents loved me a lot, along with their Golden Wiley. Wiley was so patient with me, didn’t hardly bother me at all, so I felt at home right away. Then Leigh and Grant came to visit me one evening and we clicked from the first hello! They are just so wonderful to me – don’t tell – but I even get to sleep on the bed with everyone! I have new toys, get to go on lots of car rides, and you know the best? Hanging my head out the window and sniffing the air – ahh, nothing better for this Golden. I’ve been going on lots of walks and people are complimenting me on my handsomeness, if you could call it that. I do have a nice coat and great eyes, and I am even losing a few pounds which isn’t a bad thing. Thank you GRRIN for turning my life around and finding a forever home for me. I know my first family wanted me to have the best home – and that’s what I got. Yippeeeeeee!