09-33 Maddie 09-33

Adopted by:

Hi ! My name is Maddie and I am 10 months old. I just love my new forever home and my new family loves me. I am still a puppy so I am still getting use to some of the rules, but for the most part my life here is easy going. I AM still a puppy, and I love to play! When I don’t think my owners are paying enough attention, I like to be sneaky and take shoes or toys that are not mine and prance in front of them sort of saying “look what I have”! But I have not ruined anything so far. They also like to keep the bathroom doors shut and toilet lids closed for some reason. During the day, I mostly sit at my owners feet while she works. 3:30 is my favorite time of day. That is when work is over and my 3 new best friends come home to me. We run, jump and play for hours until everyone, including me, is exhausted. I also love to take long walks and I go crazy when my leash comes out. I am very happy and my owners say that I am an an answer to a prayer for the “perfect dog for our family”