12-25 Billy – CALL ME BENNY 12-25

Adopted by:
Dave, Abby, and Gus

Before my Forever Family adopted me, I was called Billy. My new parents thought I looked more regal than that, so they named me Bennington Foxworth, but please, call me Benny. Now that we have exchanged pleasantries, let me tell you about my life the past six months. I came to my forever home with only my favorite basketball. I couldn’t believe that my mom and dad made me a blanket, got me my own bed, and had a brand new basketball and lots of other toys to play with. My little dog brother, Gus, showed me how to play with balls, bones, and other fun toys. I love Gus a lot-we have epic wrestling duels all day long. We don’t hold any grudges, because at the end of the day, we sleep on the same bed, even though we have our own. I love it when my mom and dad come home from work. I just can’t contain my excitement, I have to jump up and down and give them a big hug. My mom says I am the best cuddler in the world. I also love going on walks with my dad. He says that I am getting better at walking on a leash. My other favorite times are when we go to the dog park as a family and meet all other types of dogs-I make certain that Gus doesn’t get into too much trouble. Gus and I also love to chase the squirrels in the backyard. I don’t understand why they run from me, I just want to play with them. I want to thank the nice folks at GRRIN for finding me such a great forever home. I couldn’t imagine life any other way. 12-25 Billy Forever Family CALL ME BENNY 12-25 Billy Forever Family CALL ME BENNY 12-25 Billy Forever Family CALL ME BENNY Adopted August 2012