17-07 Buffy 17-07

Adopted by:

Hi, my name is Buffy. I am a little different than most of you, as I am a Labrador Retriever, not a Golden Retriever. However GRRIN accepted me into their adoption program so I could find a new home.

I have a great new home with Bob. He is retired and is home most of the time. We have a lot of fun. I have a large couch all to myself, which is great for lounging and naps. My new back yard has lots of squirrels and birds, which are fun to chase. So far they are faster than I am, which is probably good, not sure what I would do if I caught one.

There is a park one block from our house where  Bob and I go for walks, which we both enjoy. I am also getting better at walking with a leash.

I try to earn my keep by helping out around here. I pick up slippers that are not put away and take them to another part of the house. I also let Bob know when the early morning paper shows up, in case he wants to get up to read it. I am learning that these may not be as helpful as I think they are.

I met my new vet. He updated my shots but also put me on a diet. Life is great (except for the diet).

Thanks again to all the great people at GRRIN who helped me find a new home.