Hi, Luna here. Just wanted to update you all on my life since being adopted. I know that these updates are usually written by a dog, but since I’m a human and not a dog this will have to do.
My new parents and two human sisters are great. And I think they think I’m a pretty great person too. We go on long walks around the lake. When I see dogs, I could care less. But when I see a human, like me, I love the attention. Speaking of attention, I’m lucky my family likes cuddles, because I need them all the time! I don’t need a dog bed since I’m a human. I make myself comfortable in any of the occupied beds in the house. My family tells their friends all the time that they can’t believe how lucky they were to find me. All in all, I think I’m the perfect person to join the Precht family. Signing off, Luna (human golden retriever)