Hi, I’m Marty!
My foster family describes me as playful, lovable, goofy, loyal and a smart boy. They also say I’m a very handsome, caramel-colored golden. That may sound perfect, but they also say I can be a bit of a character and “endearingly naughty,” too. At 5.5 years, I still have the energy of a puppy, but I know stuff!
I LOVE walks, and my foster family says I am very good at staying with them, not pulling, and appreciating the adventure. Car rides are great, too, but a seat belt tether reminds me I need to stay in the back seat. I’m also incredibly good at letting folks know when I need to go outside. I don’t have accidents in the house. I take treats nicely, and barking is only necessary when I need to tell my people something. The crate is not my favorite place, but I have been practicing spending some time there. My foster home has two other dogs and a cat. I don’t like it when the cat teases me, and sometimes the other older dogs don’t want to play as much as I do. But I can play well with other dogs.
The vet said I have epilepsy, and I take two medications twice a day to keep seizures under control. If I get my pills when scheduled, I don’t have any seizures! However, if a dose is missed or too late, a seizure could happen. So, a new family for me needs to be able to remember to give me my pills on time. (There are special medications set up that can stop a seizure, too.)
Maybe some of it is because of the medications, but I’m usually very calm in the morning and get the “zoomies” mid-afternoon. Then I sleep through the night either on my bed or next to my fosters. I’ve been on a diet to keep my weight down, but I really like to eat. My people give me safe things to chew to calm me down like a bone or a Kong. Sometimes I need to be reminded of what is okay to chew. And if there are good smells on the kitchen counter? Yup, I have been known to jump up to look (or sample). But I’m working on it!
I like having a person with me most of the time, and I get along well with people of all ages! I can get excited with playing and forget if a person is too small, but I’m not mean or grouchy. My foster family says I would do best if any kids in a home are age 8 or above.
Do you want a fun companion for adventures or just chilling at home? Do you have a good sense of humor? Maybe you are the family for me? (I hope so!)
Please note, GRRIN does not guarantee the availability of any foster dogs.