Sunday, January 23, 2022
1:00- 2:00p.m.
Virtual Zoom Meeting – RSVP for the zoom link
New to GRRIN? So are a lot of us! Come out and meet other volunteers and board members. Thinking about volunteering? This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about what we do and how you can help Golden Retrievers in need.
Plan to join us as we socialize and learn more about rescue! We need foster families, caseworkers, transporters, and home visitors. We can answer your questions about these rescue positions and provide on-the-spot training.
This meeting has changed from an in-person event to a VIRTUAL event for the safety of all attendees. We hope you can still join us for a shortened version of this traditional training event. A future in-person event is being considered. Thank you for supporting GRRIN!
In case of inclement weather or changes in Covid restrictions, we will post cancellation information on our website and Facebook page.