GRRIN Calendar 2024 – Submit your photos!

It’s time to send us your photos! GRRIN’s calendar committee is putting together another fabulous calendar for 2024 and they will need to choose from your photos. Calendars will be available for purchase at GRRIN’s Gold Rush celebration on October 1st.

Guidelines for Submission

Who is eligible?

We are accepting photos submitted by friends and supporters of GRRIN. It is not a requirement for the photograph to feature a GRRIN dog, however GRRIN dogs will have priority in the selection process. There is a limit of TWO (2) photos submitted per family, but should your photo be selected, only one will be used in the Calendar. More than one dog can be in your submitted photos but Goldens only please!

What is the deadline for submission of photos?

June 30, 2023

Will I get the photo returned to me after the selections are made?

ALL photos submitted become the property of Golden Retriever Rescue in Nebraska.  Make sure you create a copy before sending.

How can I submit my photos?

Complete the online form at the bottom of this web page and upload your photo(s) as directed. You are also free to mail the completed submission form and photo(s) to GRRIN at PO Box 126, Boys Town, NE 68010, ATTN: Calendars.

What are the requirements for the photos?

  1. Photos should be in color and in landscape orientation, with a preferred resolution of at least 1008 by 792 pixels (iPhone X or XI have 3264 x 2448 pixels resolution). Avoid using the zoom function on your camera when taking the photos. This affects the resolution. If you are not sure if your photograph(s) meet these requirements, go ahead and send and we will determine if the resolution is acceptable. 
  2. Please include the dog’s GRRIN # if applicable.
  3. We need a story about the dog (please keep it to 50-75 words) and how he or she became part of your family. If your dog is chosen to be in the calendar, we reserve the right to edit the stories for length and style.
  4. Please do not have any people in the photo. We will make an exception if the photo is a Christmas depiction with Santa Claus.
  5. Submit your photo(s) and the Calendar Photograph Entry Form/Release Form by email or mail to the address shown above.

Are there any fees for submission of my dog’s photo(s)?

There are no fees. However, if you would like to donate to offset the cost of the calendars, please send a check to GRRIN, PO Box 126, BoysTown, NE 68010. Indicate “Calendar” on the check. Or click here to make a donation, and make a note that it is for the calendar.

Please contact us at if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing the photos of your wonderful Golden Retrievers!

GRRIN Calendar Photograph Entry & Release Form

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  • *Photos of GRRIN dogs and other dogs in a GRRIN family will have priority in the selection process.
  • *Photo Requirements: Photos should be in color and in landscape orientation, with a preferred resolution of at least 1008 by 792 pixels (iPhone X or XI have 3264 x 2448 pixels resolution for example). Avoid using the zoom function on your camera when taking the photos. This affects the resolution. In other words, get as close as possible!
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    0 of 150 max characters
    I agree to authorize and allow full release of information, namely photographs, digital or otherwise, to Golden Retriever Rescue in Nebraska for the purpose of placement in the GRRIN 2024 calendar. No compensation of any type is requested by me as the owner of the submitted photos. I understand that all photos will become the property of GRRIN and will not be returned to the sender. Owners' names and addresses will not be provided to any outside sources and will be retained only for the purpose of contacting the owner with any questions the calendar committee may have relating to the calendar.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 300 MB, Max. files: 4.
      There is a limit of two (2) photos submitted per GRRIN family, but should your photo be selected, only one will be used in the calendar.