I’m Sam (formerly Rodney) and I’m about two years old. I’m a bit of a mystery man. I wandered onto a farm in northeast Nebraska and the farmer liked me a lot. However, I chased his wife’s cats and she didn’t like that. So I went to the Northeast Nebraska Humane Society. I was there for a couple months and shared an outdoor kennel with a great guy named Toby. The nice people there thought that GRRIN might be able to find a good home for me. Chris was supposed to take me to a new home, but she fell in love with me which is very understandable since I’m such a great guy. So now I’m living with Bill, Chris and Charlie. Charlie and I are getting to be better friends every day and I’m learning not to chase the cats that live outside. I’d never been in a house before and lots of things scared me, like doors, floors, stairs, and all the strange noises. It was overwhelming at first, but I’m so smart that it hasn’t taken me very long to figure things out. I spend my time going on walks, playing with Charlie and the humans and sleeping on a soft pillow. I really like being part of a loving family. Thanks, GRRIN!