08-56 Molly 08-56

Adopted by:

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!! My dreams have come true! I wish I could talk so people could actually hear my story, because they just have to guess how it all went until GRRIN took me, and then a whole new chapter began in my new storybook. They think I might have lived in a puppy mill, it appears I have had puppies, but they don’t really know for sure. If I could speak their language I could tell them. Then I was found by a couple of hunters running in the fields with another golden girl (she wasn’t as lucky as me), and my life started to get better. I can’t say the heartworm treatments I had to endure were any fun, but my foster dad Steve took such good care of me that I knew I had to get better just for him, even though at one point I just didn’t feel like it. But I beat them – those nasty worms!! I am putting on weight, going for walks and getting all the loving I never-ever had. You can’t beat that for a good life. Thanks to Steve, (who is going to be my real dad), GRRIN, and all the people at the Vet Clinic that helped me, I am living the Golden life!!!