11-12 Max AKA Jake HE 11-12


My name is Jake, and I was formerly known as Max. I started out my life as a pup in a family that loved me very much. Then circumstances changed, and they made the hard decision to give me up. Fortunately they called the good folks at GRRIN, and before I knew it I was in a terrific foster home with Dave, Michelle, and their resident Golden, Bo. It didn’t take me very long to fit in with this new “pack”. I’m very smart and have a medium temperament, so I learned the routine very quickly. Bo was a great teacher – when we weren’t wrestling! My family and I did lots of things together like walks, dog parks, and swimming. I love to chase down frizbees and can hold multiples of them in my mouth. I fit in so well into my foster family that they wanted me to be here forever, so they adopted me! WOO HOO! They even gave me a new name – JAKE. I like the name and started responding to it right away. I’m so happy to be here, and it wouldn’t have happened without GRRIN. THANK YOU! JAKE TAKES A DIVE! Jake formerly 11-12 Max Adopted July 2011