Hi! My name is Buddy. I arrived at GRRIN in April. In my previous home, I was allowed to roam free which really wasn’t the best thing for me. Turns out I have some pretty serious allergies to grass and ragweed. I also have food allergies which require a special grain free diet. I stay indoors now and take medicine daily to help with my itching.
My new forever family opened their home for me in August. It didn’t take me long to adjust. I have a new best friend named Einstein. We have such a good time playing together or just relaxing and laying next to each other. I love playing with my new toys and being able to run around my backyard. I have met all my new neighbors and they all say hi to me when I am outside. Evenings are probably my favorite part of the day because it’s when I get to go for my walk. It gives me a chance to burn off some energy and helps me sleep at night.
Speaking of sleeping, I have become quite the bed hog. I definitely get my fair share of the bed, and maybe even a little more. It feels so good to stretch out and have the ceiling fan blow my fur. I enjoy so much just being with my family. Whether it’s going for car rides, walks, or playing with them at home makes me happy. It’s the little things in life that I love the most. Just to have somebody scratch or hug me makes me melt like butter. I have so much to be thankful for. I have a family that loves me very much and I know they will take very good care of me. I look so forward to spending many, many years with them. They will always be here for me as I will be for them.
My family says I just love life. It’s really not that hard, more people should try it!
Adopted August 2012