This event has been canceled. GRRIN will be meeting and greeting at the Easter Begg Hunt, hosted by Woof & Whiskers! Event details from Woof & Whiskers as of 2/8/20: MORE DE"TAILS" TO COME Woof & Whiskers Easter Begg Hunt, the biggest Easter egg hunt in town for dogs by your favorite local pet supply store! Sunday, April 5th starting at 1 PM will be this years Easter Begg Hunt to benefit The Nebraska Humane Society! $10 CASH ONLY at the door to get in will go 100% back to the animals at NHS! Woof & Whiskers will fill around … Continue reading →
Update: This event has been canceled. Do you love wine and beer and also love helping golden retrievers? Then come along to the wine and beer tasting fundraiser for GRRIN being hosted by Vino Mas on Saturday, April 11th from 1pm - 3pm. Five wines and three beers will be available to sample. The cost is $20 per person, all of which will go directly to GRINN if you pay cash! ($15 will go to GRRIN if you pay by card.) Also, 10% of all retail sales will be donated to the rescue. GRRIN will have foster dogs and/or ambassador … Continue reading →
Update: The location of this meeting is still not determined. Due to health and safety precautions put in place for COVID-19, and in order to meet our bylaws, we will only conduct a very quick business meeting to include voting for open board positions. GRRIN members will receive a voting ballot by mail and we strongly encourage returning your ballots by mail to our PO Box (return envelopes are included). While we will miss the social aspect that is traditionally part of the annual meeting of members, according to current government policies, we cannot encourage a large gathering.