Update: The location of this meeting is still not determined. Due to health and safety precautions put in place for COVID-19, and in order to meet our bylaws, we will only conduct a very quick business meeting to include voting for open board positions. GRRIN members will receive a voting ballot by mail and we strongly encourage returning your ballots by mail to our PO Box (return envelopes are included). While we will miss the social aspect that is traditionally part of the annual meeting of members, according to current government policies, we cannot encourage a large gathering.
Omaha Gives is back! The giving begins at midnight with a minimum $10 donation and hourly drawings and prizes make your donations go further. So start gathering your circles and get ready for another great big give-together! You can make your donation at https://www.omahagives.org/index.php?section=organizations&action=newDonation_org&fwID=1104. Follow all of the action for Omaha's 8th day of giving on May 20th on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 health restrictions, the Omaha Community Foundation has asked that nonprofits skip in-person events so we have canceled our Paws on the Patio celebration at Pizza West.