My precious Angus crossed to the Rainbow Bridge on March 4, 2018. He was born in May, 2008 and was adopted on September 19, 2010. He was the love of my life. Always happy and had a smile on his face. His time here was so short, but he loved life, loved to play with his football and go for car rides. His passing came as such a shock, he was fine on Saturday, playing hard, never showing any signs of not feeling well, but on Sunday after breakfast, he laid down and didn’t want to get up and his breathing was labored. He was taken to the emergency hospital and x-rays revealed he had two large tumors that had ruptured. One was on his spleen and the other on his liver. He was bleeding internally. Only one month prior to this he had been given a clean bill of health from his yearly check up and blood work. Surgery confirmed that they had grown rapidly and could not be removed. The hardest decision of my life was made that day. He taught me so many things, the most important was unconditional love. I was able to be with him and held him and told him how much he was loved as he passed over to the Rainbow Bridge. He was laid to rest on March 13, 2018 when I was able to give him one last hug and told him how much I was missing him and how much I will always love him. Life goes on, but it is never the same. To my beautiful Angus, I will always love and miss you. Love you forever my big boy. Mom