It is with devastatingly broken hearts that we have to announce the passing of our beautiful Millie on Labor Day.
Millie was one of the four blind Goldendoodle pups that came into GRRIN’s care in June of 2021. We adopted her on September 20, 2021. She was only 3 years old when she passed. Millie got very sick very fast, and the cascade of issues were more that her little body could recover from. She left us way to soon. There was so much more love and life we wanted to give her. Why didn’t any prayers work?
Millie was a smart, goofy, loveable, snuggly, curious and confident blind dog. She knew nothing different about the world. We were her eyes and her world, a trust like no other. She showed us how to hear and smell the world in a way we never thought possible. Millie loved going on walks, chasing leaves, finding sticks and carrying them home, playing in the snow, the water hose and swimming. Millie was not afraid of thunderstorms or fireworks; when it rained, she would stand on the deck and try to catch the raindrops. Our walks were expeditions with discoveries of new smells and noises.
Millie liked to wear her rain boots and snow boots, laying on grassy hills sharing apples and bananas with her Dad, and listening to music. She recognized the voices of the many neighbors that saw her and got excited to say hello and get pats from everyone. I could go on and on about her personality, and you would love her too. In short, Millie was perfect and we miss her immensely.
Thank you GRRIN for rescuing Millie and her siblings, Betsy, Charlie and Franklin. Thank you Rachel, Luke and Ruby for fostering Millie and Franklin, and teaching them their first experience to love, trust and fun.