In her own inimitable style, Sandy – my 12 ½ year old “tough broad” Golden Retriever – has gone on to be with Cody, Boji and Max. When they get to be senior seniors – that’s what I call the much older ones – we know every day is a gift, but it was still unexpected.
Sandy had a great day Saturday with finding bread to eat at the lake (ducks will be fat now without her intercepting their snacks!), McDonald’s for dinner (our weekly Saturday custom), and long naps (with belly rubs) in between our three outings. Everything was as normal as could be, and if I had not been awakened by hearing her unusual breathing at 3 o’clock this morning, I may have just found her gone when I got up. But luckily I was able to be with her as her breathing slowed and then stopped.
Sandy was a rescued dog from GRRIN (#98-30) who had been given up by two homes before I was blessed with her. She had not had an easy life up until then, but as those who know me understand, my world revolves around my dogs, so Sandy’s almost five years with me I tried to make her most wonderful years ever – I think she would agree. By Michelle Wright
Editor’s note: Sandy was a GRRIN dog in 1998. She was returned to us in 2003 along with another Golden named Boji. The two arrived in rescue as a pair just before the 4th of July. Sandy was 8 years old, Boji had cancer at age 5, and both dogs were terrified of fireworks. Michelle Wright quickly adopted the two and gave them a wonderful life. Michelle is now the proud mother of GRRIN dog Duke (07-30).