Gunner made the decision to adopt us in October 2009 while he was being fostered with GRRIN and we could not have been more honored to have been able to spend these last nine years with this wonderfully kind and gentle spirit.

Gunner always enjoyed the finer things in life. He was your proverbial “chow-hound” as food was his first, but not his only love. This warm-hearted fellow never missed a meal and did his best to partake in everyone else’s dining experience. Gunner’s fondness for food led to a passion for naps. This boy loved to sleep and you could find him curled up and snoring anywhere from a bed to a pile of laundry.
When Gunner wasn’t eating or sleeping he could be found rolling around playing with his golden brother Kingsley. These two were inseparable and Kingsley is lost without his partner in crime. This goofy golden loved his humans too. In fact, he loved everyone he met. Gunner followed our every move and his reputation of being a “velcro-dog” was well deserved as he never left our sides. His favorite human in the whole world was his beautiful mother who loved him more than anything. He was her snuggle soulmate, her foodie friend, and clumsy companion.
Gunner will be missed more than can be imagined. Please help us let Gunner rest easy by sharing some extra love with your own furry family member. Give them a hug, take them for a walk, give them a special treat; let them know just how much they mean to you.