Sam GRRIN #09-47
When Sam walked into our home as a foster dog, we didn’t know that so much fun and love had come to stay. This bright, funny, opinionated golden rascal knew he had found his permanent home a little sooner than we did. He was patient while we figured it out…but not so patient when we didn’t toss the Frisbee or start the walk quickly enough. We know Sam was loved during his first 11 ½ years. Someone had taken the time to teach him a lot of tricks and trust. Every year of his life with us was a gift until our “Sammy Boy” let us know it was time to go to heaven a month shy of his 16th birthday. We miss him. Many thanks to Drs. Teeter and Everson at The Pet Clinic for their consults and services to keep Sam active and comfortable in his senior years.
John, Patty, and Maddie (#06-06)