08-09 Gunner 08-54 Bosco 08-09 08-54

Adopted by:
Donna and Steve

Hi, we’re Gunner and Bosco and we were rescued by Donna and Steve in March (Gunner) and October (Bosco). We were both given up due to family situations but are now enjoying our new forever homes. Yes homes, plural. We are really lucky because our humans have given us 2 forever homes. Our main forever home here and our second forever home in Colorado. Before Bosco joined us we spent most of the summer hiking in the mountains and swimming in ponds and streams. During this time Mom and Dad decided I needed a companion so enter Bosco. We wrestle and play all day long and we are both looking forward to going snowshoeing this winter. It’s only been a few weeks but you can tell by the picture what good friends we’ve become. Gunner is the good looking one on the left and Bosco is the other good looking one on the right with white on his paws. Life is good!