09-49 Dakota 09-49

Adopted by:
John, Kelly, Thomas and Christian

I made it! Yeah! I am in my forever home and just tickled pink! (Can a big boy like me be pink?) Anyway, I have great parents in Kelley and John and two brothers, Thomas and Christian. It was Thomas’ idea to adopt me, and I just know we will be the best of buds! Christian is only 2, so we will have some growing up to do together. I have a great yard to run around in, and based on all the walking we have been doing, a great neighborhood also. I did take myself for a brief tour of the neighbors’ yards a few days ago, but after about 15 minutes, I came home to John. I miss my awesome foster mom, Kimberly and my other two Golden buddies, so I hope I will get to meet other neighborhood dogs or have some play dates. Meanwhile, I am content hangin’ with my new family! Yes, I am perfectly happy!09-49