10-31 Missy (K-5) renamed Elli HE 10-31

Adopted by:
JoAnn and Mike

Hi everyone! This is Elli (formerly Missy) and I want to let you know how happy I am! It didn’t take me long to figure out this is the forever home for me. I love tagging along after Mom all day and I follow her so close that sometimes I step on the back of her flip flops. She takes me to the dog park to play and to other parks for walks. I am so good in the house I get to hang out by myself when she goes to the store. I watch her leave out the window and then I hop up on the bed and lay on my back under the ceiling fan. Boy that feels good on my tummy! Sometimes I even put my head on the pillow, but she doesn’t care. The room is all pink with girl stuff, and I am the only little girl here so I am sure it’s my room. I love my new dad, too! He takes care of brushing me, my nails and is helping me learn all of my manners. I love riding in his truck–and any other car I can get into. I follow my dad around when he does yard work. I do my part, this is a rabbit free zone now that I am here. Mom and Dad keep saying how thankful they are that GRRIN helped us find each other. Because of me Mom and Dad are always laughing and smiling and because of them my tail is always wagging. It’s perfect. Thank you again to everyone, love Elli P.S. If any of my dog family from Kearney wants to email me, I will meet them at the dog park.