Who says that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? My greatest trick was traveling the roads of rescue until I appeared in a wonderful forever-home! I was very content in my life. But then one of my owners died. I was sad, but I got through it OK. Then my other owner had to live somewhere else. I was very confused. Fortunately I met a really nice lady who said that she was from a place called GRRIN. She gently led me out of my old home, and [POOF] before I knew it, I was in a place called a Foster Home. Amy and Matt were my new caretakers, and I had this really neat dog to play with whose name is Shadow. Amy and Matt took great care of me while I started my diet (yeah, I’d gained a few pounds) and recovered from surgery to remove a few lumps. I really liked hanging out with Amy while she took care of her goats. I made sure to be very respectful of them. One day I met a very nice couple. They said their name was Bruce and Bobbie. I was drawn to their loving energy. Then one day Amy took me and Shadow for a car ride, and [POOF] I was in Bruce and Bobbie’s home! WOW! They had lots of toys there, a really comfy bed, and they said that they would love having me around. I was thinking the same thing! It was kind of tough when I said good-bye to Amy and Shadow, but I’m hoping to cross paths with them at a GRRIN event or playdate. I really like living with Bruce and Bobbie. They take me for a daily walk (the pounds are still dropping), and let me hold my own leash for the last part of the walk into our driveway. I’m very careful not to take this responsibility lightly! I love to play with soft toys, and especially like gently holding them in my mouth. Sometimes I can’t decide between two of my favorites, so I’ll bring them both to Mom! I’ve really found my niche in this family, and there won’t be any more magic, because “forever” is not an “illusion”! Adopted April 2012