Jake came to GRRIN in March through another rescue organization, Retrieve A Golden of Minnesota (RAGOM). He was very typical of young male Goldens that still have a lot of puppy energy, so we knew he would need a family that could accept a challenge. Luckily Steve, Vickie and their 2 year old GRRIN doodle Stewart met Jake at an event and fell in love with Mr. Energy! After a few private visits, Jake was adopted in May and the fun really began. Even though they’re the same age, Jake made Stewart seem like an old man in comparison, but the two have become fast friends and will fetch a ball until the thrower calls it quits. Jake had moved around so much that even the wind chimes on the back porch made him nervous, but he is settling in with his “forever” family and will even lay down long enough to watch an entire TV show. GRRIN is so grateful for this experienced family that saw something special in Jake!
Adopted May 2013