24-24 Marty 24-24

5 year-old Male

Marty update! The GRRIN board of directors voted to keep Marty in permanent foster care. He will stay with his current foster family who will now have both medical and volunteer support to care for Marty’s special needs.

Hi, I’m Marty!

My foster family describes me as playful, lovable, goofy, loyal and a smart boy. They also say I’m a very handsome, caramel-colored golden. That may sound perfect, but they also say I can be a bit of a character and “endearingly naughty,” too. At 5.5 years, I still have the energy of a puppy, but I know stuff!

I LOVE walks, and my foster family says I am very good at staying with them, not pulling, and appreciating the adventure. Car rides are great, too, but a seat belt tether reminds me I need to stay in the back seat. I’m also incredibly good at letting folks know when I need to go outside. I don’t have accidents in the house. I take treats nicely, and barking is only necessary when I need to tell my people something. The crate is not my favorite place, but I have been practicing spending some time there. My foster home has two other dogs and a cat. I don’t like it when the cat teases me, and sometimes the other older dogs don’t want to play as much as I do. But I can play well with other dogs.

The vet said I have epilepsy, and I take two medications twice a day to keep seizures under control. If I get my pills when scheduled, I don’t have any seizures! However, if a dose is missed or too late, a seizure could happen. So, a new family for me needs to be able to remember to give me my pills on time. (There are special medications set up that can stop a seizure, too.)

Maybe some of it is because of the medications, but I’m usually very calm in the morning and get the “zoomies” mid-afternoon. Then I sleep through the night either on my bed or next to my fosters. I’ve been on a diet to keep my weight down, but I really like to eat. My people give me safe things to chew to calm me down like a bone or a Kong. Sometimes I need to be reminded of what is okay to chew. And if there are good smells on the kitchen counter? Yup, I have been known to jump up to look (or sample). But I’m working on it!

I like having a person with me most of the time, and I get along well with people of all ages! I can get excited with playing and forget if a person is too small, but I’m not mean or grouchy