In 2005 we had just lost our Golden, Aspen, to bone cancer and had started the process of finding another dog to add to our home. We went to the Farmer’s Market in the Haymarket in Lincoln because we knew GRRIN had a booth there. As we were looking at the Goldens one of them came up and punched Craig, and that gesture stayed with him.
We inquired about getting that particular Golden (Reilly) but were told it might not be a good idea because there had been some issues in previous placements. Craig hung tough and we eventually got to adopt Reilly. A friend named him “Smiley Reilly” because he always seemed to be smiling.
At one point issues did start to become apparent to the point we contacted GRRIN because we couldn’t seem to stop the issues and thought surrendering him would be better for all involved. For a number of reasons GRRIN was unable to take him that weekend. We were told they would be able to take him that week however and in the meantime gave us some advice and how to work with Reilly’s issues. Some things just turn out the way they’re supposed to.
We never did surrender him as he responded positively to our new way of working with him. He turned into an incredibly loveable Golden who only wanted to walk, be petted and fed – in that order. His personality was goofy, sweet and playful. He was best buds with our other dog, Sparky, a Jack Russell. They would chase each other in the yard – usually with Sparky instigating then stopping his play – leaving Reilly no other choice but to keep after him and eventually run around the yard with his big feet flinging grass everywhere. He was the perfect height for petting too. If he stood next to you your hand would be perfectly placed to pet him on the head. If you were sitting, your knee was the perfect height for him to rest his head. He liked popcorn night and pupcicles and always took his time eating treats – probably to savor every morsel.
In January we had to say goodbye to our pal – he was diagnosed with a tumor in his heart and there wasn’t anything that could be done for him at that point. He is missed terribly by us and Sparky. The loveseat he always slept on is very empty right now. We are so grateful we had the chance to get to know and love him. He will always be in our hearts.