We adopted Bailey over five years ago at age 8 or 9. Sadly, one week ago she crossed the rainbow bridge after giving us 5 years of unconditional love and friendship. We wanted to share our story with other Golden owners.
When we first met Bailey at the Bookworm, he could hardly move-he weighed 119 lbs. He looked like a golden coffee table! He also had patches of hair gone all over his body from having had benign tumors removed while in foster care. We fell in love with him and over a few months he became more active and his weight stabilized at 75 lbs. He loved chasing his red ball, going on walks and exploring in our yard. He especially loved all his stuffed cow babies, which he dutifully carried to his bed every time he napped along with any shoes he could steal. He never chewed up anything he took to his bed though.
Gold Rush participants may remember Bailey as the “extra” dog available when someone needed a dog to participate and win a cake. He won a lot of cakes for kids over the years. He also won the costume contest twice: once as a gypsy woman and once as a yellow submarine. We will miss him dearly. We want to thank GRINN for the opportunity to adopt a senior dog. Our previous adopted seniors, brothers, Bud and Jake, lived to be 15 and 16. Seniors adopting seniors-it’s the best!
Thank you GRRIN for the wonderful years with Bailey!
Bobbie and Bruce
To read Bailey’s original adoption story, click here.