Nala – 11 years
It is with such a heavy heart to let you all know that we needed to say goodbye to NALA on July 24, 2017. She was surrounded by friends that helped her cross the Rainbow Bridge to be with all of our other Goldens and fur babies we have come to be without on this earth. Nala came to GRRIN a year ago with a lion cut, and a funny walk, and then she promptly walked into our hearts forever.
Nala will be missed by her 7 year old Golden brother Marley and her 16 year old Daschund sister BooBoo.
Most of all..Gary and Connie..never have I witnessed such love and selflessness from two people when it came down to Nala’s needs. Doctor appointments, swimming at 5 Elements. Nala had the best year of her life! Sticks, walks, treats, car rides, going to Meet & Greets, being brushed and just being loved. It seemed she was always smiling. Your encouragement to get Nala to do things was amazing–she would do anything for you.
Nala was a special girl.
For the past two weeks, Nala started to decline. She couldn’t keep food down, had fluid in her lungs, and began to get weak and restless. The big Ah Ha moment was when she didn’t want to go for a walk. She knew. Nala spent her last day being spoiled and loved on.
Thank you Dr. Bashara for your compassion through this tough time, and to all the staff and doctors at Gentle Doctor that helped to take care of her. Thank you to Dr. Starks and staff at the Urgent Pet Care Clinic, and to Dr. Eckermann at 5 Elements for keeping her “aligned” and mobile.
Thank you GRRIN for taking on Nala and her complex needs.
Thank you Gary and Connie for being her family and loving her so very much for the last year of her life. I know your hearts are broken, but Nala’s memories will get you through this.
We will miss you Miss Nala. The circle of life has closed.