Hello, I wanted to follow up and thank you for allowing us to adopt Tye, GRRIN Number 07-42 in September of 2007. We learned from GRRIN that he had been abused, had his vocal chords clipped and was malnourished by his previous owner.
We loved him from the start and he blossomed. Tye was such a joy to our family and his fur-brother, Tucker, our Lab. He was a loving, fun, sweet and silly addition for us. He loved to play ball and give kisses more than anything. Tye was affectionate and loved by everyone he met. He was so docile, never growled or snapped, we always wondered how someone could treat our sweet Tye so terribly.
Sadly, Tye went blind about a month and a half ago. Tucker would herd him, as if he knew too and was protecting him. Amy treated his eyes diligently with 3 types of drops, 3 times a day to help with the glaucoma and hyphema that had set in. His eye pressure returned to normal in both eyes, yet he remained blind. That was okay, we would help him, as he appeared to have no other health issues.
Late last Wednesday, October 18th, Tye began to have cluster seizures, experiencing over 20 in less than 10 hours. His health was failing and brokenheartedly we knew that he was suffering. Tye crossed the Rainbow Bridge last Thursday. We miss him dearly and he will forever hold a place in our hearts for all of the joy and love that he brought to our family.
Kind regards, Amy Harvey