Sandy came to her GRRIN foster home June 25, 2015: she was extremely overweight and could only walk about 10 steps and then had to lay down. Within a month, she lost 10 pounds and got a haircut…this was the beginning of Sandy’s new life. She continued to walk and build strength and endurance. Soon, she lost another 10 pounds and walking became the highlight of her day.
In July 2015, I failed foster 101 and adopted her; she was nine years old. She was very independent…she did what she wanted to do and reluctantly did what she was asked to do. When we were at the park she immediately headed towards people because she knew they would pet her. Her big treat was going to Chalco Park with her fur-sister, Maggie, where there were lots of scents: turkeys, deer, fox, and other creatures.
Whenever she visited one of her friend’s house, she would select one of their toys AND then it became hers: her favorite was the honking piggy. She would lay in the yard for hours just watching the neighbors and honking her piggy. And, of course, she was always chasing the infamous tennis ball. Sandy was terrified of loud noises: thunder, fireworks…she would tremble and try to crawl under the bed.
Sandy was so friendly, active, happy, and beautiful… even up to the very last day. Seven years later, June 20, 2022, at the age of 16, she crossed the rainbow bridge. To me, she was the VERY BEST Golden in every way…I am so grateful that Sandy came into my life… she is missed so very much.