Pictures from the NHS’s Taylor Made Rescue Rally


Thanks for coming out to visit with GRRIN and the other rescues at the NHS Tayler Made Rescue Rally! If you missed it, here are a couple of photos from the event.

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GRRIN will be at NHS this Sunday at the Taylor Made Rescue Rally. Stop by between 11am and 2pm and say hi to some of our foster and ambassador dogs. For more information, see the event post on our calendar:

NHS Taylor Made Rescue Rally

GRRIN is Celebrating 25 Years!

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Founded in 1991, this year marks GRRIN’s 25th year of rescuing Golden Retrievers in Nebraska, Iowa, and surrounding areas. We will be finding many ways to celebrate this year. Here are a few of the ways you can join us.

Read Our Story

Interested in how GRRIN got its start? Read the story of our founding written by one of the three founding members.

Share Your Photos

As we at GRRIN gear up for our 25th anniversary, we’d like to ask GRRIN followers to share old photos they have of their GRRIN dogs and GRRIN events.

Attend an Event

Are you interested in meeting a foster dog? Attending a dog-friendly social event? Attending the GRRIN annual meeting? Check out a list of our upcoming events or the GRRIN event calendar.


Want to help make sure that GRRIN will still be strong 25 years from now? Volunteer your time and talents. There are many ways to help! Learn more about the different ways you can contribute.

Happy Tails

Want a great reminder of why GRRIN does the work that it does? Read some of our Happy Tails – stories of rescued Goldens finding their forever homes.

Share Your Photos with GRRIN!


As we at GRRIN gear up for our 25th anniversary, we’d like to ask GRRIN followers to share old photos they have of their GRRIN dogs and GRRIN events. Anything you would like to share would be great, especially if you have any photos from before 1997.

To share digital photos via email, send them to

If you have physical photos and do not have a way to digitize them (such as using a scanner) or you have questions about how to do it, email or and someone will get back to you to help.

If you have any photos or memorabilia you would like to mail, send them to the GRRIN address:

Golden Retriever Rescue in Nebraska
PO Box 126
Boys Town, NE 68010

Thanks for 25 years of support!

Thanks for Attending! GRRIN Annual Volunteer Training for 2016


Thank you to everyone for attending GRRIN’s annual training meeting held at the Nebraska Humane Society on Sunday, January 31st! GRRIN foster dogs Bella, Dan, Gracie, and Bogie were able to take part with their foster families and kick off GRRIN’s 25th year of rescuing Golden Retrievers.

Nearly fifty volunteers and friends of GRRIN spent the afternoon learning about various aspects of rescue, including intake, transport, home visits, adoptions, and working on the Goldline. Kelley McAtee and Gina Rotella from Dharma Dog Training shared tips about how to work with dogs that have just arrived in a new foster or adoptive home. Dr. Michelle Eckermann, a canine therapist at Five Elements Veterinary Alternatives, demonstrated physical therapy techniques she has used with her GRRIN foster dog Bogie.

If you were unable to attend the meeting and would like to learn more about volunteering for GRRIN, please send an email to

(c)GRRIN_logo-25Years-OUT GRRIN training GRRIN training2 GRRIN training3 GRRIN training4 GRRIN training5

 Special Note: Bring GRRIN Photos!

As we at GRRIN gear up for our 25th anniversary, we’d like to ask GRRIN followers to share old photos they have of their GRRIN dogs and GRRIN events. Anything you would like to share would be great, especially if you have any photos from before 1997. So, if you have any you’d like to share, bring them to the training on Sunday and one of our volunteers will scan them for you on site! (If you have any digital photos you would like to email, you can send them to


It’s time for annual training!

Sunday, January 31st, 2016
Volunteer Luncheon 12:00 to 12:30 p.m.
Training 12:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Nebraska Humane Society Auditorium


Whether you’re already a GRRIN volunteer or just thinking about becoming one,

Please plan to join us as we socialize and cover hot rescue topics!

  • Lunch will be provided along with snacks and beverages
  • More to come on agenda items!

The Nebraska Humane Society is located at 8929 Fort Street, Omaha.

We will be in the auditorium (hallway to the right of the main entrance).

In case of inclement weather, we will post cancellation information on our website and Facebook page.

2016 Membership Drive!

GRRIN’s annual membership drive is under way! Did you know that we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary in 2016? You can support GRRIN by renewing your membership or becoming a new member. You can also make an end-of-year donation. Check out our online application and pay for your membership via PayPal or credit card.

Your membership fees and donations help GRRIN to pay needed veterinary expenses for our rescued Golden Retrievers.  During 2015, GRRIN cared for 34 foster dogs – 16 of those were seniors (8 years old and up).

Our wonderful foster families opened their homes to young dogs, old dogs, and dogs with special needs, but we always need more.  Please consider fostering for GRRIN in 2016.  You can find information about fostering here or contact

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year from Golden Retriever Rescue in Nebraska and all of our foster dogs!

Senior GRRIN dog Leroy 15-09

Senior GRRIN dog Leroy 15-09

Dan needs a “furever” home!

Dan has been in foster care since April. He is seven years old and will give the right family a lot of love.  Are you home most of the time? Do you have experience with dogs who are afraid of thunder (and you might even be one of those awesome dog owners with a sound proof room for your dogs)? Do you have a resident dog that would love a new buddy?  Dan might be the dog for you. The volunteers at GRRIN would love to see Dan settled into his new forever home. Please contact our organization if you think Dan would be a fit for you.  You can read his full bio here.

Dan the man!

Dan the man!

Meet & Greet at The Bookworm – January 3rd

Thanks for attending GRRIN’s monthly Meet & Greet! For those of you who missed it, here are a couple of photos from the event:

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Bookworm Meet and Greet - January 2016 - Slider-01

Come visit GRRIN from noon-1pm on Sunday, January 3rd to meet Toby at The Bookworm’s location in Loveland Centre on 90th and Center. Thank you for supporting The Bookworm during 2015!

A small, cozy and quiet setting to meet a Golden that is in foster care. Visit The Bookworm on the first Sunday of the month, noon to one p.m.  This is an indoor event!  Click here for a map.


The Bookworm
Loveland Centre
90th and Center Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68114





Max 15-01 – Wonder Dog!

How many 16-year-old Golden Retrievers have you met?  GRRIN dog Max is one of the few who has been blessed with the title “super senior”.

Meet Max…

15-01 Max 5

It doesn’t matter why he was surrendered in January of 2015, what’s important is that GRRIN had a foster home ready to accommodate a dog that was possibly hard of hearing, with vision and mobility problems.

Max 15-01-5

Max got along with his new canine brothers, Shiloh and Bo, also GRRIN dogs.

Shiloh & Bo

He got along with his new foster parents (Seth & Erika) and his daycare grandparents and their GRRIN dog, Daisy.  Max’s new family members and GRRIN decided that he would stay with them for the rest of his life.

In October, they celebrated his 16th birthday!

Max 15-01-7

He just enjoyed his first Christmas with his new family.

Max 15-01-4 Christmas

On January 13th, his “gotcha” day, he will have been given the wonderful gift of a year-long second chance with an amazing family.  They would say that he has been the gift given to them.

Max 15-01-6

You can read more about Max here.

Holiday Shopping & Social Hour – Sunday, December 6th

THANK YOU for attending GRRIN’s Holiday Shopping & Social Hour at Julio’s! Sales of boutique items, donations, and the auction of the Southwest Airlines tickets brought in nearly $1200 to help GRRIN continue the mission of rescuing Golden Retrievers. Happy holidays to everyone and thank you for your support all year!


GRRIN shopping day 2015-1

GRRIN Shopping Day 2015-4 GRRIN Shopping Day 2015-3 GRRIN Shopping Day 2015-2


Holiday Shopping Collage

Golden Retriever Rescue in Nebraska is hosting the 3rd annual Holiday Shopping & Social Hour!

Sunday, December 6th, from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Julio’s, 123rd & West Center, Omaha
GRRIN members receive a 10% discount

You’re invited!  Bring a friend and join GRRIN as we open our store one more time before the holidays. You will have the opportunity to purchase new GRRIN logo merchandise and special items for your favorite canine while visiting with other dog lovers.  Southwest Airlines tickets will be available for silent auction during this event!

Julio’s is opening exclusively for this event – don’t miss it!

Check out Bogie’s New Videos!

Bogie recently visited The Bookworm and we were able to get some video of him browsing the book stacks.  We even captured the magic of bladder expression – yes, we said it – and it’s surprisingly easy!  There are many rescue animals that need this type of care and GRRIN is trying to share the news that it is an easy procedure. The videos are also on GRRIN’s Facebook page and our Vimeo page (  Please contact GRRIN at 402-330-6680 or if you would like to learn more about Bogie!




Bogie before his diagnosis

Bogie during rehabilitation

Bogie today!

Bogie today!

Bogie is ready to meet families and find a “furever” home. Even though he has been diagnosed with a condition and will have permanent partial paralysis and weakness in his hind end, he is still moving through life with the typical Golden smile. He charms everyone he meets and his foster mom would love to see him in a permanent home with a family that has the capacity to give continued care.

If you would like to learn more about Bogie, please contact GRRIN at 402-330-6680 or, and one of our volunteers will get in touch with you.

Bogie has been featured on the Pets in Omaha website. Click below to read the story:

Visit Bogie’s UPDATED profile:

More Gold Rush Pictures!


We had so many photos from Gold Rush that we put them into a video!  You can watch it here or view a higher quality version on our Vimeo page. Hopefully we captured you and your dog on this special day!



Thanks to everyone who came out to meet and greet at Growl-O-Ween!  GRRIN volunteers saw some amazing canine costumes.  Foster dogs Dan and Leroy were able to attend along with adopted GRRIN dog Greta.

Growloween 2015 - DanGrowloween 2015 - Leroy Growloween 2015 - Dan growloween2015-3Growloween 2015- Greta

When: Saturday, October 24th, 10am-1pm
Where: Three Dog Bakery @ Midtown Crossing  –  30th and Farnam Streets

For more information, visit the website:

Pirate Dog word bubble

Thanks for Joining GRRIN for Pups on the Patio

Thanks for Attending Pups on the Patio - Rick Fox - Post ImageThank you to everyone who came out to Pups on the Patio in memory of Rick Fox a few weeks ago.  The patio was packed with dogs and their humans, the weather was beautiful, and a great time was had by all.

GRRIN lost a dear friend and supporter with Rick’s passing.  Rick and his wife Shelly adopted Norman in 2008.  Norman was a dog that came from Kansas and had survived a tornado; he and Shelly loved that Norman and their sheepdog Stella were such good friends.  Stella passed away and a new Golden puppy Marge came in and is giving Norman a run for his money.

When volunteers were looking for a site to hold GRRIN’s fundraiser Kibble ‘n Bids in 2011, they reached out to Rick to see if he would help.  He didn’t hesitate to open up Julio’s and took great care of us that year and in 2012.  Many GRRIN meetings and social gatherings were held at Julio’s over the past few years.  Rick was always there to greet everyone, especially the Goldens.  Julio’s has every intention of continuing its involvement with GRRIN and hopes to see everyone there soon!

Here are some photos from the event

Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - Cindy with Sandy

Sandy got adopted!

Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - Sandy Adoption Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - Pet me Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - Family Photo Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - eating and talkingAlso, a little insight into the process of trying to get 13 dogs to line up!

Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - 1 Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - 2 Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - 3 Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - 4 Pups on the Patio - 08 2015 - 5Someday we’ll get them into a perfect line! Until then, we’ll just love them for the wonderful animals and members of our families that they are.

Omaha Gives Results

Omaha Gives Thank You- 2015 SliderThank you GRRIN supporters for your outstanding participation in Omaha Gives! Preliminary numbers show that we met our goal and raised $5032 just before midnight with the help of several last-minute donors. Your donations will help us cover extraordinary medical care needed for GRRIN foster dogs.

Thanks also to the humans and canines who braved the cold and came out to Julio’s to celebrate Omaha’s biggest giving day!  Foster dog Goldie, and adopted dogs Ellie and Belle, thought the temperature was perfect – check out those smiles!

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Golden Retrievers Research Study


Seeking Golden Retrievers Newly Diagnosed with Lymphoma

Veterinarians at the University of Missouri, Colorado State University, and Texas A&M University seek Golden Retrievers with a new diagnosis of lymphoma for an important research study. Goldens with lymphoma that has not yet been treated with chemotherapy or prednisone and who do not have elevated blood calcium may receive a diagnostic biopsy and flow cytometry analysis of their tumor at no cost for the procedures. Dogs must be evaluated at one of the participating Universities.

This study seeks to classify B cell lymphomas more thoroughly and will provide information to the owner that is valuable in making clinical decisions. It also seeks to determine the underlying alterations in the tumor cells to provide clues for cause and for new therapeutic approaches. Standard consultation fees apply, but eligible dogs will receive these two tests at no cost, and clients will learn within a week if their dog’s lymphoma is T or B cell.

For more information and to schedule an appointment, please contact the appropriate University at the number below and ask to speak to the clinical trials coordinator:

University of Missouri: 573-882-7821

Colorado State University: 970-297-5000

Texas A&M: 979-845-2351

This trial is jointly funded by the AKC Canine Health Foundation and the Golden Retriever Foundation.

From the GRCA Research Facilitator or 330-338-4236

Holiday Shopping & Social Hour


THANK YOU for attending GRRIN’s Holiday Shopping & Social Hour!   Volunteers and friends of GRRIN were able to purchase new cold-weather logo merchandise in addition to fun toys for their favorite canines.

Special thanks to Rick Fox of Julio’s for opening early so we could have extra time to visit and enjoy the afternoon.

The Southwest ticket auction raised over $800 that will go to helping GRRIN dogs with medical needs.

              We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!

In Memory of Deb Walz

GRRIN has lost a dear friend. Debra L Walz passed September 17th, 2014, and our hearts are with her husband Dan and loving family. Deb had many talents, but the one we know best is her passion for Golden Retrievers. She was a loyal volunteer, former member of the GRRIN Board of Directors, strong supporter, and fierce advocate for Goldens in need. Meeting Deb at the Rainbow Bridge were Woita, Shammy, Max, Sophie, and Selka. Gunner and Sasha remain with Dan.

Deb Walz
Deb Walz 3 Deb Walz 4 Deb Walz 5 Deb Walz 6

Holiday Safety Tips!

Watch your pets during the busy holiday season.

According to the ASPCA, the following items are dangerous:

  • Ice melt
  • Salt dough ornaments
  • Gifts of food (especially chocolate) that are wrapped under the tree
  • Tinsel, mistletoe, lilies, and holly
  • Tree needles and even the water in the tree stand
  • Unattended party cocktails
  • New Year’s fireworks
  • Medications unsecured by out-of-town guests
  • Wires from decorative lighting
  • Fatty or spicy holiday foods and bones
  • Wrapping paper and ribbons

Have a safe and quiet place to rest when guests are visiting – for you and your canines!  To read more tips from the ASPCA, click here.


Holiday Photos 2014!

Thanks for sharing your holiday photos with GRRIN.  We hope you had a wonderful 2014 and look forward to 2015 – Happy New Year!

Click on any photo to start the slide show.[ht_gallery id=”3945″ name=”Holiday Photos 2014″ columns=”3″]


Goldline Volunteers Needed!

Header Photo - Goldline Volunteers

GRRIN is looking to train a few new volunteers to man our phone line, also known as the Goldline. Our Goldline coordinator sets up a regular schedule and each volunteer checks the phone messages for a few days a month, returning calls and interviewing people who want to surrender a Golden or adopt one.

If you are able to fill out forms using your computer, have time to check messages during your volunteer days, and would like to be on the front lines of rescue, please consider being part of this very important team!

Contact us at for more information.

The GRRIN Newsletter is in!

Read our Q2 2014 newsletter here. You’ll find donation results from  two online giving days, Omaha Gives! and Give to Lincoln, held in May.  Please send any corrections or comments to

You can also read past issues of the newsletter on our Newsletter page under News & Events.

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