York update!

We thought you’d like to see York’s latest portrait – he’s turned into one gorgeous Golden. He’s getting ready to spend his second winter in Omaha with his new family after flying in from Istanbul, Turkey in May of 2016. York is one of five dogs that GRRIN rescued as part of a larger rescue mission involving several Midwestern rescues. These missions continue – hundreds of street dogs without families have been brought to the United States in the last three years.

GRRIN is extremely lucky to have amazing volunteers who traveled to pick up the dogs in Chicago, foster families who learned basic Turkish commands so the dogs would understand them, and the “furever” families who adopted them!

Here is York’s original story:

Hi, my name is York and I am a world traveler! I came to Nebraska with 4 other Golden Retrievers who lived on the streets of Turkey. In Turkey, I did not have a home and had to hunt for my own food, but some wonderful people picked me up to care for me and help me find a better life. With some help from GRRIN and its wonderful donors, I was able to travel to Nebraska to find my forever home.

When I arrived, I was very skinny and was struggling with some allergy problems that affected my coat. I also wasn’t sure what it was like to be a family dog. My amazing foster family of Cindy, Steve, Michael, Jason and resident dog, Rosie, worked with me over the last couple of months and helped me learn to be the awesome Golden I am today.

Since I fit in so well with my foster family and they can handle my strong prey drive (I love rabbits and birds), I am staying put and have been adopted by them. The love and affection I have been show by GRRIN and my new family has allowed me to accomplish my destiny in life, loving everyone I see! Thank you all for the opportunity to be a Golden in America!

November events for you or your pups!

Don’t miss GRRIN’s annual fundraiser, Kibble ‘n Bids Yappy Hour & Silent Auction on Friday, November 10th! Our co-chairs have been busy putting together a great menu of munchies and awesome silent auction items so everyone can come out and have a fun evening. Tickets are $30 each and can be purchased through Eventbrite or on our Donate page. We’re gathering at Arbor Hall in Omaha (140th & Center) from 6-9pm. Questions? Send an email to kibblenbids@grrin.org.

Also, check out these great events posted by Pets in Omaha and Omaha.dog. If you want to spend time with your furry friends there are many things to do in the Omaha area!

Hurricane Harvey: Golden Retriever Acres Senior Sanctuary (GRASS)


Good news from GRASS! We’re making good progress, thanks to leader Joshua’s hard work and to our volunteers. Cabin 1 is now fully insulated, the floors are decked, and the carpentry crew is working in there tomorrow – so it’s safe to say that Cabin 1 is nearing completion! Everyone hopes to get some Goldens in our facility soon.

Even now, weeks after the flooding, GRASS is still processing donations – the generosity has been truly amazing. It’s thanks to you that GRASS will soon be back to normal and doing what we love most – giving senior Goldens the homes they deserve! THANK YOU!

If you want to provide hurricane relief for Golden Retrievers, please read this statement from the Golden Retriever Foundation. All of the dogs living in the sanctuary have safely landed in temporary foster homes while the GRASS staff begin the long process of cleaning and rebuilding. Visit the GRASS Facebook page for more pictures and video clips of their Harvey journey.

As President of the Golden Retriever Foundation, I want to assure you that the GRF is doing everything possible to help with the tragedy of the Hurricane Harvey in Southeast Texas. We are also in contact with the GRCA-National Rescue Committee and the Golden Retriever Club of America in coordinating the efforts to help those in need.

The GRF has already rushed an emergency check of $4000 to GRASS – Golden Retriever Acres Senior Sanctuary to help with their immediate needs.  They are the only rescue organization in Texas with a facility that was flooded.

Today, The Golden Retriever Foundation is setting up a Disaster Relief Collection – Rescue Fund on our website, http://www.goldenretrieverfoundation.org/donate.html. Any rescue organization that helps in this disaster relief effort or is affected by the disaster can submit grant requests for reimbursement of money spent in support of the recovery effort.   The GRF will cover all expenses within our funding that is allowed.

Resist the urge to send food or items.  The senior goldens are on special diets and it is hard to determine exactly what is needed.  So monetary gifts go a long way for them to get the exact items they need.

Donate money to the Golden Retriever Foundation’s Disaster Relief Collection – Rescue Fund or donate funds directly to Golden Retriever Acres Senior Sanctuary (GRASS) (see below) via their website at http://www.grass-tx.org/

If you have not seen the photos of FB of the water damage to GRASS, here are a few photos.  The water has now receded but the damage was done.

Thank you all for your continued support of the Golden Retriever Foundation.

Collette Jaynes – President GRF
Cindy Collins – VP GRF
Shirley Peskie – Treasurer GRF
Dianne Barns – Secretary GRF

GRRIN is spreading the word!

Despite being in business for 25 years, we still hear people say, “I didn’t know there was a Golden Retriever rescue.” So we put up a billboard! Keep an eye out as it will move around town throughout the year – this one is currently located at 84th & Madison.

A Letter from the GRRIN President

Greetings, GRRIN Members and Supporters:

As you know, 2016 was GRRIN’s 25th anniversary year. We celebrated at various events and looked back fondly on our accomplishments built on the foundation of our primary mission: to rescue and rehome Golden Retrievers. GRRIN recently held its annual meeting where we had the chance to take one more look back with appreciation for all of the time and contributions provided by people like you. Everyone reading this newsletter has played an important role in making GRRIN’s long-term success possible.  Perhaps you served on the rescue team or volunteered for events.  Maybe you adopted one of our Goldens (lucky you!!) or made a generous donation to the organization.  There are many other ways you no doubt did your part.  Whatever it was, whenever it happened, THANK YOU!

Now that we’re well into 2017 and GRRIN’s 26th year, a shout-out to the GRRIN Board of Directors is overdue. Our board members work very hard behind the scenes to conduct the business of the organization. That obviously includes Golden Retriever rescue efforts but also our outreach/educational activities and fun events like Gold Rush where we gather to build community among Golden enthusiasts.   I would like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank three individuals who are rotating off the GRRIN board: Barb Garrett, Theresa Houston and Cathi Smetana.  Please join me in giving them, along with all current and past board members, a standing ovation for their service to GRRIN!

Thanks again,

Kathy Glenn,

President, GRRIN Board of Directors

Wine & Howl Saturday, June 3rd

Thanks for coming to Wine & Howl! It was a warm day but GRRIN dog Greta stayed cool!


Join GRRIN at Lincoln Animal Ambassador’s 9th annual Wine & Howl Fundraising event on Saturday, June 3rd, from 11am-5pm at Deer Springs Winery.

16255 Adams Street, Lincoln, NE 68527

Omaha Gives! 2017

Thank you GRRIN supporters for your outstanding participation in Omaha Gives! We raised $6480 with the help of many generous donors. Your donations will help us cover medical care needed for GRRIN foster dogs. In 2016, our total dog expenses were $22,682, an average of $630 for the 36 dogs we fostered.

During the 24 hours of giving, Omaha Gives raised $7.8 million for the community and over 900 participating non-profits. The Omaha Community Foundation has brought this outstanding opportunity to the metro for five years.

Thanks also to the humans and canines who enjoyed the gorgeous evening and came out to Pizza West to celebrate Omaha’s biggest giving day!

You can schedule your donation now! Just click here.

Follow all of the action for Omaha’s 5th day of giving on May 24th on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

The giving begins at midnight with a minimum $10 donation and hourly drawings and prizes make your donations go further. So start gathering your circles and get ready for another great big give-together!

Pups on the Patio!

Make sure to come celebrate on the 24th with our volunteers and supporters at Pizza West in La Vista from 5-8pm. We’ll be on the patio and friendly pups are invited!

12040 McDermott Plz., La Vista

Annual Meeting – Sunday, April 23

Thanks for attending the annual meeting! We had a lovely group of volunteers, potential adopters, and very photogenic dogs who stared longingly at our BBQ lunch. Special thanks to the Greater Lincoln Obedience Club for allowing us to use their space.

If you couldn’t make it out to this gathering, please save the date for our Pups on the Patio night, scheduled Wednesday, May 24th, at Pizza West in La Vista. We also have many other events scheduled throughout the summer – you can see them all on our calendar.

Stay tuned for our 2016 rescue report and updated list of board members. There are three openings if you are interested in helping GRRIN: volunteer chair, communications chair and resource chair. Send an email to info@grrin.org and we will get back to you.

For now, we have some great pix from Sunday!



Noon – 2:00pm

Greater Lincoln Obedience Club, 5740 Johanna Road, Lincoln, NE 68507

Join GRRIN as we celebrate another great year in rescue! Thinking about becoming a volunteer? Own a Golden and want to meet other Golden Retriever fanatics? (Let’s face it, we’re crazy about our dogs.) Everyone is welcome, including your beloved canine family members. We’re serving lunch, conducting a short business meeting, and then we get to visit about – what else – our wonderful Goldens!

Potential volunteers, we need supporters who can meet new adoptive families, conduct assessments for incoming dogs, foster those incoming dogs, or casework dogs already in foster care. We need YOU!

Of special interest, our GRRIN store needs a new manager. If you have room to store a few boxes of GRRIN merchandise and are interested in helping us find fun new items to sell, plus work at a few events each year, please send an email to volunteer@grrin.org.

Business meeting
  • Vote on open board positions
  • Review finance and rescue reports
  • Pre-planning for Gold Rush will be discussed and GRRIN would love to hear your ideas
Fun for dogs and people! Bring your Goldens (or any friendly dog on a leash). Lunch will be served.
RSVP 402-330-6680 or volunteer@grrin.org so we can make sure we have enough goodies to eat!
Please provide your name and the number that will be attending.

Bookworm Meet & Greet on February 5th

Thanks to foster dogs Peaches and Stella for meeting and greeting at The Bookworm!


Come visit GRRIN from noon-1pm on Sunday, February 5th, at The Bookworm’s location in Loveland Centre on 90th and Center.

A small, cozy and quiet setting to meet a Golden that is in foster care. Visit The Bookworm on the first Sunday of the month, noon to one p.m. This is an indoor event! Click here for a map.


The Bookworm
Loveland Centre
90th and Center Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68114





Annual Training and Volunteer Luncheon

Thanks for coming! What a great day we shared with our volunteers, potential volunteers and the dogs. We covered procedures for the Goldline, home visits, fostering and caseworking. We need more volunteers in each of those rescue areas. If you missed the meeting but are still interested in working with GRRIN, please send an email to volunteer@grrin.org. Special thanks to the Nebraska Humane Society for allowing GRRIN to use the auditorium.



Sunday, January 22nd, 2017
Volunteer Luncheon 12:00 to 12:30 p.m.
Training 12:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Nebraska Humane Society Auditorium

RSVP to volunteer@grrin.org

Whether you’re already a GRRIN volunteer or just thinking about becoming one,

Please plan to join us as we socialize and cover hot rescue topics!

  • Lunch will be provided along with snacks and beverages
  • More to come on agenda items!

The Nebraska Humane Society is located at 8929 Fort Street, Omaha.

We will be in the auditorium (hallway to the right of the main entrance).

In case of inclement weather, we will post cancellation information on our website and Facebook page.

GRRIN Photo Shoot

Thanks to everyone who visited Brenda Orr’s photography studio to get a photo taken with their dogs. And special thanks to Brenda for giving a portion of her sitting fees to GRRIN! All of the dogs had a great time smiling at the camera!

If you would like to have photos with your furry family member, you can contact Brenda at:

Orr’s Golden Hour Photo
1526 Washington St
Blair, NE 68008
(402) 657-2145


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Holiday Shopping & Social Event – Sunday, December 4th

What a great afternoon! Thanks to everyone for attending GRRIN’s holiday social event. We sold out of the new toys our store manager ordered so all of the good dogs will have something special in their stocking. We are extremely blessed to have wonderful GRRIN friends. We wish everyone a happy holiday season!


Just a few of the folks attending GRRIN’s holiday social!

Sunday, December 4th, from 3:00-6:00pm
Pizza West, 120th & Giles, LaVista
GRRIN members receive a 10% discount

You’re invited!  Bring a friend and join GRRIN as we open our store one more time before the holidays. You will have the opportunity to purchase new GRRIN logo merchandise and special items for your favorite canine while visiting with other dog lovers.  Southwest Airlines tickets will be available for silent auction during this event!

We’ll be in the Pizza West party room. This is an open house event – we can’t wait to see you!

Pizza West, 12040 McDermott Plaza #300 (I-80 Exit 442), LaVista, NE 68128

In case of inclement weather, please check our website for updates about this event.

Canine Cancer Memorial Page



Golden retrievers are amazing, beautiful, friendly, loyal, and loving dogs, but they are also dogs that are diagnosed with cancer at a very high rate. In fact, research has indicated that approximately 60% of all American Golden Retrievers will pass away from some form of cancer.

Visit the page that has been created to honor those beloved Goldens who have passed from this unfortunate diagnosis:


Thank you for Attending Gold Rush!



Silver and Gold Rush 2016

GRRIN’s favorite color is gold, right? In 2016, however, we’ve been giving an important nod to silver as we celebrate GRRIN’s 25th anniversary. Put them together on October 2nd and we had Silver and Gold Rush! This year’s event included close to 100 guests, 30-some volunteers and over 60 dogs – predominantly Goldens with a sprinkling of other breeds.  Offutt Base Lake Park in Bellevue continues to be a great setting for Gold Rush and that, combined with wonderful weather (again!), means we couldn’t go wrong.

Here are highlights from the day:

  • Vendors Papillion Animal Hospital and Nature Dog;
  • The GRRIN Boutique sold lots of great merchandise;
  • Current GRRIN foster dogs were introduced on stage and remained on-hand to greet guests;
  • Games and activities for dogs, adults and kids;
  • Animal rehabilitation therapy demonstration courtesy of Michelle Eckermann, DVM, Five Elements Veterinary Alternatives;
  • Training Demo with Gary Platt and Kathy Rasinowich-Platt, Innovative Dog Training;
  • Our can’t-miss Halloween costume contest for dogs;
  • Last but not least, the wonderful parade of rescued Goldens;
  • Great food throughout the day afternoon including 25th anniversary cake;
  • Curt Bright with The String Beans provided music throughout the day; and
  • Finally, congratulations to Joe Muller, winner of the silent auction for two roundtrip tickets generously donated by Southwest Airlines with proceeds to benefit GRRIN.

Thanks to everyone who attended and volunteered for Gold Rush 2016! It’s such a fun way to connect with friends and Goldens while reinforcing GRRIN’s mission.  We look forward to seeing everyone at Gold Rush 2017, tentatively set for October 1.





Greetings GRRIN Readers! Valentine, York, Aurora, Sydney, and Madison here! Four months ago we were Goldens living on the streets of Turkey. Now we are here in Nebraska living new lives, with loving families.

Our journey started when we flew from Turkey and landed in Chicago on May 20th. After this long flight we were met in Chicago by GRRIN volunteers who cleaned us, fed and watered us, and then gave us some hugs and belly rubs (this was the best part of all). The next day, after a long drive, we arrived in Omaha to many open arms, and the GRRIN foster families who welcomed us into their homes.

The next weeks and months were a learning process for everyone. We had to learn about living in a home (couches and beds are particularly nice), and that we could relax because we had humans who would take care of us. On top of the usual challenges faced by foster families, OUR foster families had to learn about caring for dogs who had been fending for themselves and roaming freely, particularly York, a.k.a “Don’t-fence-me-in.” In the end, GRRIN volunteers being GRRIN volunteers, and Goldens being Goldens, we all figured it out.

Through the same system that GRRIN has used for 25 years now (loving foster families and hard work by all of the Rescue Team members), GRRIN has been able to find loving, caring homes for all of us from Turkey (we don’t like being referred to as Turkey dogs.)

We are Goldens to whom the word “rescue” truly applies. Thank you to the entire GRRIN family for helping to give us a life that we could only imagine. We truly believe we have struck gold!

Yours furever,


Valentine, York, Aurora, Sydney, Madison

Special note: As we worked on this update about our rescue dogs from Turkey, one of the five, Madison, was diagnosed with late- stage Leukemia. We still can’t believe it, but she crossed the Rainbow Bridge within a few weeks. She was in the loving arms of her foster mom and caseworker, who worked tirelessly to make her comfortable in her last days. We’ve decided to keep the update as originally written. You can read more about all of the dogs on the Happy Tails and In Memory pages.

Omaha Gives!


Omaha Gives Thank You- 2015 Slider

Thanks to the generous spirit of our supporters, $7305 was raised for GRRIN during Omaha Gives! The community gave a total of $8.8 million to 783 different non-profit organizations.

Wednesday, May 25th – Midnight to Midnight

GRRIN is proud to be participating in Omaha Gives! – a 24-hour charitable challenge organized by the Omaha Community Foundation. The online giving holiday will take place May 25th from midnight to midnight. Mark your calendars because we will need your help!  We will be joining over 700 local nonprofits to raise money together and compete for matching funds and prize money. The more money we raise, the larger the percentage of the bonus dollars we will receive. The more donors we get to give to us, the more likely we are to win prizes.

Go to GRRIN’s Omaha Gives! page to make your donation on May 25th, then watch the leader board to see how much money the Omaha community has contributed throughout the day.

OmahaGives2015_LetsGiveTogether_horizYou can also schedule a gift! For your convenience, you can schedule gifts through May 24th. We encourage you to donate early if you cannot participate on May 25th.

Why does GRRIN need donors? The majority of our funds cover veterinary expenses – over $350 per dog we cared for in 2015. As we celebrate 25 years of rescue in 2016, GRRIN will embark on an exciting new international mission to bring five dogs to the Midwest from Istanbul, Turkey. The very first flight of pups will arrive in Chicago at the end of May, and GRRIN volunteers will transport them to Omaha.

GRRIN will continue to cover the cost of spay and neuter procedures, testing and monthly medications for dogs with allergies, along with treatment for dogs with heartworms, epilepsy, and thyroid imbalance. In addition, monthly heartworm and parasite prevention are administered to each foster dog along with annual vaccinations and a microchip. Many of our foster dogs in 2015 were eight years of age and older, classified as seniors. We are extremely grateful to have the resources to care for these Golden oldies with loving foster homes and the ability to cover all of their medical expenses so they can live comfortably in their later years.

This is a Golden opportunity to unleash your generosity! Our goal this year is to raise $10,000. Your donation will help cover the Turkey rescue mission, annual veterinary expenses, and care for three of our senior dogs that will remain in foster homes indefinitely.



THANK YOU for your support!


Turkey Dogs Are Coming to GRRIN!

Turkey Dog White Background

UPDATE 5/22: The Turkey dogs have been receiving a lot of media coverage. Check out some of the stories here:

KETV: http://www.ketv.com/news/rescued-golden-retrievers-travel-from-turkey-to-omaha/39665534


UPDATE 5/20 @ 4pm: The Turkey dogs have landed! No matter what country they’re from, they still have that Golden spirit. Here are some photos of the newly landed pups!

Turkey Dog Arrival 1 Turkey Dog Arrival 2 Turkey Dog Arrival 3

UPDATE 5/20 @ 8am: The Turkey dogs are officially in the air and on their way to Nebraska! All five dogs that GRRIN is welcoming into rescue will meet with their foster families this weekend after their long trip. Here are pictures of the five new dogs:

Turkey Dog Female - Madison Turkey-Dog-Female---Aurora-edited Turkey-Dog-Female---Sydney-edited-web Turkey-Dog-Female---Valentine-edited-web Turkey-Dog-Male---York-edited-web

Thank you to all of our supporters! Stay tuned for an updated list.

Fox 42 featured the Turkey dog mission here!


Golden Retriever Rescue in Nebraska will rescue five Golden Retrievers from Istanbul, Turkey. The very first flight of pups will arrive in Chicago at the end of May, and GRRIN volunteers will transport them to Omaha.

The life of a Golden Retriever in Turkey is very different than a normal house dog in America. There are many homeless dogs in Turkey. With minimal room in Turkish shelters, many of these dogs live on the street or in forests after they are spayed/neutered and given rabies vaccines. Because Golden Retrievers are not effective pack dogs and are of gentle nature, their odds of surviving on the street are not favorable. These dogs are in need of a fur-ever home and a family who will love them unconditionally.

Dogs in Turkey Await Transport

Dogs wait for transport at a shelter in Turkey

Q & A – Turkey Golden Retrievers


Why are you rescuing dogs from Turkey?

As we mentioned before, there are many homeless Golden Retrievers in Turkey. One of GRRIN’s missions is to rescue a Golden in need, and dogs located outside of the U.S. are no exception to that. There has also been a decrease in the number of foster dogs within GRRIN due to a lack of surrenders. We used to foster at least 50 dogs per year, but since 2010 we have only averaged 25-30 foster dogs per year – and we still receive the same number of applicants and always maintain a waiting list. Some of our families wait a year to adopt a Golden through GRRIN. We know that there are many loving families within our state who are more than willing to help a pup in need. That’s why we’ve decided to participate in rescuing Turkey dogs.

What kind of medical care do they receive in Turkey?

Golden Retrievers coming from Turkey do not receive a great deal of specialty care. They are spayed or neutered and receive rabies vaccines while living in Turkey. Dogs with health issues are not allowed to travel outside of the country.

Why aren’t they quarantined when they arrive in the U.S.?

The dogs are isolated together in Turkey, and receive health certificates and passports before leaving the country. U.S. Customs and Border Protection must review the dogs’ documentation and clear each pup once they have arrived within America.

How are they transported to the U.S.?

Just as humans do, Turkey dogs fly in air-conditioned, pressurized cabins to ensure they are comfortable for the long plane ride. To ensure that all transported dogs arrive safely, they are housed in individual storage crates.

What happens after they arrive in the U.S.?

Turkey dogs are treated just like any other new pup in our care. Each dog receives a wellness exam, blood work and fecal tests. We also like to evaluate each dog’s temperament and knowledge. For instance, are they capable of walking on a leash. And yes, they will have to learn to understand English commands!

Does adopting Turkey Dogs negatively affect the adoption of Golden Retrievers who need to be rescued in the U.S.?

No, there are waiting lists of loving families all over the country who are ready to help a Golden Retriever in need. There is no risk to Golden Retrievers in the U.S. with the adoption of Turkey dogs. GRRIN has many foster homes available, so local dogs needing care will not be affected.

Is the process for adopting a Turkey dog different than normal?

The adoption fee for a Turkey dog is $600. This is much more than our standard adoption fee of $300. The extra cost helps us cover transportation expenses to bring these dogs to America. GRRIN will process applications like we do for all of our dogs that need a fur-ever home. A fenced yard is required and dogs must live indoors as part of the family. We may have more specific needs for each dog.

To donate, go here.

Check out these news articles to learn more about the Turkey Dog mission:


Retrieve A Golden of Minnesota (RAGOM) – Latest Rescue


CNN: How Istanbul’s Abandoned Street Dogs End Up in America


CNN: Turkey Rescue Dogs Thriving In U.S.


CNN: A Homeless Dog’s 5,000 Mile Journey Ends with Forever Home


WSB-TV: First Moments in America for 36 Golden Retrievers from Istanbul


Annual Meeting & Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon


Thanks to everyone who attended GRRIN’s annual meeting! The dogs almost outnumbered the humans at Sunday’s 25th anniversary annual meeting and volunteer appreciation luncheon. Open board positions were filled and the by-law amendments passed. President Joe Muller discussed the new mission of rescuing Golden Retrievers from Istanbul, Turkey. The date for Gold Rush was announced: Sunday, October 2nd, and the theme is “Silver and Gold”. Mark your calendars!

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Come celebrate 25 years of rescue with GRRIN!
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Noon to 3:00 p.m.
We will be meeting in the Auditorium, which is down the first hallway on the right
after you enter the main doors of the building
Business meeting
  • Vote on open board positions
  • Vote on By-Law Amendments
  • Review finance and rescue reports
  • Discuss rescue mission of Goldens from Turkey
  • Pre-planning for Gold Rush will be discussed and GRRIN would love to hear your ideas
Fun for dogs and people! Bring your Goldens (or any friendly dog on a leash). Lunch will be served.
RSVP 402-330-6680 or volunteer@grrin.org
Please provide your name and the number that will be attending

25th Anniversary Dinner & Silent Auction

25th Anniversary Dinner Slider-01

Thanks to our sponsors and donors!

Mark Langan

Mark Langan, Vice-President of Field Operations at the Nebraska Humane Society and best-selling author of Busting Bad Guys


A Lotta Brownies • Bagel Bin • Bank of the West • The Bookworm • Dave Buechler • Roger Campbell • David & Julie Churilla • Colleen Cochrane • Kathy Creighton • Eagle Run Golf Course • A Hill of Beans • Jimmy Ellis • Jimmy John’s • JoAnn Farrell • Collean Fullmer • Owen Henderson, DVM • Hy-Vee • Kitty Kentsmith • Kevin & Dora Klein • Mark Langan • Lazlo’s • Long Dog Fat Cat • Mama’s Pizza • Liz Marriott • Linda Natale • Pam Nathan • Nature Dog • Natural Grocers • Olive Garden • Perrigo Animal Health • Jim & Jeri Regan • Mark Renner, N.P. Dodge • Rich & Laura Roccaforte • Round the Bend Steakhouse • Mike Rustkalis, DVM • Jaclin Smith • Southwest Airlines • David Stevens, TD Ameritrade • S.M. Stevens & Associates, LLC • Kate Spielman • Three Dog Bakery • Cecily Tinder • Thad & Janie Tinder • Two Tails Dog Bakery • Upstream Brewing Company • Veterinary Eye Specialists • Dr. Tonya McIlnay • Ken & Rita Vetter • Vincenzo’s • Rich & Kathy Woodward • Barb Zelechoski

Oh, what a night!

The Platte Room at Soaring Wings Winery was filled to capacity for GRRIN’s anniversary dinner on April 16th. Original founders Barb Zelechoski and Deb Goll were special guests for the evening.  Barb gave an informative and motivational speech about national and local rescue efforts. A wonderful dinner from Mangia Italiana was followed by our second speaker, Mark Langan, author of the best-selling book, Busting Bad Guys.

The silent auction bidding closed at 9:30p.m. and nearly $4000 was raised! This event would not have been possible without the endless hours given by the committee volunteers and the folks who showed up early on the night of the 16th to make sure we were ready to roll.

Special thanks also to Three Dog Bakery for providing yummy take-home treats for lucky dogs & A Lotta Brownies for helping GRRIN serve an amazing post-dinner treat for the humans! Finally, Curt Bright & The String Beans for setting up our sound system. Please note our many donors and sponsors and their support of GRRIN!


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Rest in Peace, Mama Gracie

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A very pregnant Gracie!

It is very rare when GRRIN sees puppies in foster care, but one special dog named Gracie created quite a stir five years ago when she brought 11 puppies into the world. On Saturday, April 9, 2016, “Mama” Gracie crossed the rainbow bridge.

Gracie was over 7 years old when she came into Golden Retriever Rescue in Nebraska from a puppy mill in Missouri.  A pregnancy test was performed on intake, and it was negative.  But that was a false result, because on October 2, 2010, she gave birth to 11 puppies.  She nurtured those pups until they were all adopted by terrific new owners.  Then the search was on to find an adoptive home for Mama Gracie.

Jim and Jeri were looking for a more active dog, but they met Gracie and decided that she was the one for them.  Gracie’s horrendous “previous life” faded away as Jim and Jeri doted on her, and she gave them pure love in return.  A very special dog from difficult circumstances, she was rescued and gave birth to wonderful pups, then led a life of leisure with loving owners.  The definition of a Happy Ending story.

Rest in Peace, Mama Gracie.  We all love you, and you’ll be missed.

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Photos from March Meet & Greet at The Bookworm

Bookworm Meet and Greet - March 2016 - Slider-01


Thanks for coming out to meet Babe and Misty. Here are two pictures of our beautiful ladies from the event. The top photo is of Babe. The bottom is of Misty.

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Come visit GRRIN from noon-1pm on Sunday, March 6th to meet Babe (and maybe Misty!) at The Bookworm’s location in Loveland Centre on 90th and Center. Thank you for supporting The Bookworm during 2015!

A small, cozy and quiet setting to meet a Golden that is in foster care. Visit The Bookworm on the first Sunday of the month, noon to one p.m. This is an indoor event! Click here for a map.


The Bookworm
Loveland Centre
90th and Center Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68114



See the event listing on the GRRIN calendar:

Rescue Dog Meet & Greet @ The Bookworm